Another Transformative Period

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing physical security, and LVT is embracing this breakthrough with innovative technologies and upcoming solutions to create smarter, safer communities.

Last Updated:
March 3, 2025
| ~
min Read
Steve Lindsey
LiveView Technologies

There are moments of great technological breakthroughs that have truly changed the way society lives, works, and plays. The advent of motorized vehicles and flight got us from place to place with unimaginable speed. Electricity and plumbing improved the quality and health of life at home and work. Semiconductors and computers increased the scale of automation at unprecedented levels. Even the internet, cellular, and smartphones dramatically changed the way we communicate, work, and entertain.

We are currently living through another one of those major technological breakthroughs; artificial intelligence or AI. Whether it be generative AI or computer vision AI, both of these technology disciplines will forever change the way physical security is executed.

If you’re like me, you get tired of hearing about AI and the constant overuse, misuse, pretentious use, and vaporware that often bombards us through marketing and other media. But don’t let that devalue the real applications and potential future applications that AI can and will make to all of our jobs. Most of those changes will make our jobs easier while in some rare instances some of those changes may even eliminate a few jobs. The fact of the matter is change is coming and we all need to embrace it and make ourselves relevant in the next chapter of our careers.

Here at LVT, we have spent the last few years wading through all of the AI noise finding those promising technologies that can truly add value to our customers and partners and ultimately deliver on our mission to make our communities safer and more secure. In fact, we are so excited about what we have developed that we believe it is appropriate to add another adjective to our mission; smarter.

In the coming year, look for LVT to make several new product, partnership, and physical security ecosystem announcements that will change the way physical security is executed. We are extremely excited to make these announcements and we are confident you will be excited too!

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