Implementing Effective Security Cameras in Schools

Advanced security systems help ensure safety on your campus for teachers, students, and visitors.

Last Updated:
September 2, 2024
| ~
min Read
Hailee Gardner
Marketing Writer

Your school’s campus is the foundation of your society. It’s where ideas are born that can shape the future.  Professors and teachers work with students to help them accomplish some of their greatest life goals and prepare them to give back to society.

These powerful institutions are, unfortunately, often the target of diverse threats, and must be kept as secure as possible. LiveView Technologies is prepared to help secure your campus against danger of every kind. 

Why Is School Security Important? 

A school can function better when students, faculty, and staff feel safe and secure. Campuses with comprehensive security are, for this reason, far more conducive to learning. Those who work at and attend the school, as well as their families, will trust your institution on a deeper level, which can help improve and preserve its reputation. Students will be empowered to achieve their full potential when they feel safe and secure.

Effective security measures prevent unauthorized entry and deter unlawful activity, and are designed to mitigate any type of threat your campus will face, from vandalism to violent protests. 


Recent years have seen an alarming increase in campus violence, at all grade levels and types of institutions. While some types and locations of schools may be more vulnerable to attacks than others, it’s essential that every campus has a comprehensive security plan. Terror threats, shootings, and other violent events necessitate a security regimen that can both deter and monitor suspicious activity on campus. 


An increasingly common security situation, mostly unique to college and university campuses, is political and non-political protests. Protests can become unpredictable and can have dangerous and volatile effects on a campus, its facilities, and its occupants. Additionally, large-scale campus events, such as graduations, can be made increasingly complicated by protests, creating a logistical nightmare for campus security teams. 

Traditional camera systems are not an optimal solution for protest scenarios; the events/ dynamic nature requires a dynamic camera system to match. Mobile cameras with continuous monitoring, such as the ones offered by LVT,  are much better at picking up complex, transient protests. Cameras can also help boost the power of a security team’s limited resources, allowing them to be in multiple places at once—especially on a large, open campus such as those found at universities.

Campus Security Cameras 

A key facet of a comprehensive and effective security regimen is a high-quality security camera system. Cameras can help deter, mitigate, and investigate threats on campus.

When weighing the pros and cons of security cameras in schools, remember that grainy, unreliable CCTV is a thing of the past. Today’s technology, including cloud storage and artificial intelligence, allows for far more advanced security. Furthermore, security cameras in schools can have a powerful effect on the safety of your campus, as long as they’re equipped with current and intuitive features. 

Key Features for School Security Cameras 

School security is paramount for a functioning, thriving campus. Modern technology has made it easier than ever to monitor and secure even large campuses, empowering students, teachers, and staff to teach, learn, and achieve their fullest potential. Among this novel technology are the impressive strides that have been taken to improve and innovate surveillance cameras. Below are some modern features that you should look for in your campus’s security cameras. 

Continuous Up-Time 

When securing a school, it’s vital that you never miss a second. Cameras with continuous monitoring make sure that no threat goes unseen.

High-Resolution Footage 

Some conditions, such as low light and dark times of the day, make it difficult to identify offenders and investigate problems. High-definition cameras are essential for campuses, providing detailed footage for a clear vision of incidents after the fact.

Cloud Storage 

Security footage is no good to anyone if it can’t be easily accessed. Intuitive storage software, such as cloud storage, allows evidence to be retrieved, studied, and used for investigative purposes.

Video Analytics and Artificial Intelligence 

Don’t want to employ a costly team to sit and monitor campus footage for threats day in and day out? Video analytics—especially when powered by artificial intelligence, such as the AI-powered software offered by LiveView Technologies—can identify and differentiate threats and alert both management and the authorities, allowing for an impressive response time to emergencies. 

System Integration 

An effective, unified approach to campus security must involve several compatible systems, including access control and alarms. Choose a system of surveillance cameras that can be easily integrated with these additional security systems so that there are no gaps in your campus’s protection. 


Traditionally, security cameras have been installed and wired in a fixed location. The dynamic nature of most campus issues and threats, however, necessitate a more flexible solution. Moving threats, protest hotspots, high-capacity events, and more are better secured with mobile cameras. This is also a more cost-effective solution, as they’ll allow you to save on installation and de-installation costs. In addition, mobile cameras can begin protecting your campus right away, without having to wait on extensive installation processes.

Live Alerts 

Cameras with continuous up-time often carry another key advantage: live alerts that keep you apprised of every potential threat. Real-time alerts help keep response times quick and prompt.

Independent Power 

The corners of your campus that need the most monitoring may not be equipped with a readily available power source. Mobile units with their own attached power source are easier to place wherever, eliminating the need to reroute electrical wiring to accomplish your security goals.


Good lighting can boost security efforts in a variety of ways; cameras equipped with floodlights not only combat the blurry footage that accompanies low-light conditions, but can also act as a powerful deterrent against crime and protection for students, faculty, and staff.


Security cameras with audio capabilities can make a big difference in your security efforts. Loudspeakers on surveillance cameras can serve a variety of functions, including emergency instruction, crowd control, and broadcast warnings. 

Master Campus Security With LVT 

Cameras from LiveView Technologies are equipped with each of the above features, making it the premier security provider for campuses of all types and sizes. 

Your school’s security is of the utmost importance to students, families, faculty, staff, and the team at LVT. With an industry leading up-time, AI-powered video analysis, floodlights, and so many other essential and customizable features, LiveView Technologies is perfectly poised to transform your campus’s security.

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