New LVT Features: Enhanced Detection and Mobility Capabilities

LVT’s new features offer advanced temperature detection, long-range thermal radar, and satellite connectivity for enhanced security, particularly for remote locations.

Last Updated:
October 23, 2024
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min Read
Noelle Baldwin
Marketing Content Manager
LiveView Technologies

At LVT, we're committed to delivering cutting-edge security solutions that help our customers protect their employees, customers, and property. That’s why we’re excited to announce our latest product offerings which increase safety and security—extreme temperature detection, long-range thermal cameras with radar, and satellite internet connectivity. Each of these are designed to expand the capabilities of our mobile security units and help business owners and security directors succeed.

Extreme Temperature Detection

Our extreme temperature detection is a new feature for our PTZ cameras. In outdoor situations, this feature can identify high heat sources within 550 feet of the LVT® Unit. While this is not a fire alarm, the thermal technology identifies abnormal temperatures and alerts the end user in real time so they have the opportunity to act before a potential disaster.

Customers in oil and gas, manufacturing, energy and waste management, battery storage and manufacturing, and others can benefit from early detection of temperature abnormalities. For example, an industrial launderer uses extreme temperature detection to monitor the bins of dirty laundry. Trucks drop off the bins outside of the facility where they are left in the sun before they are washed inside. Hot spots can form in the bins which, if not detected early, could develop into flames. With extreme temperature detection, the launderer’s team can monitor for hot spots and get alerts of abnormal temperatures. Then they can cool the hot spot down before it can develop into something more dangerous.

Unlike other fixed temperature detecting cameras, ours are pan, tilt, zoom cameras. This means it can be set up with a patrol and so end users can sequentially scan multiple areas. It also allows them to zoom in and verify alerts.

Long-Range Thermal Plus Radar

Our long-range thermal cameras with radar allows for better detection of humans and vehicles. The powerful combination can detect up to 1,200 feet in each direction and eliminates blind spots at the base of the LVT Unit.

The radar takes the place of the central camera on the Live Unit®. It detects movement over a 180-degree area, with a range of up to 200 feet for humans and 280 feet for vehicles regardless of weather or lighting conditions. The artificial intelligence in the radar can differentiate between vehicles, humans, and small animals to help reduce false alarms. The two long-range bispectral cameras on either side covers large distances so there is a total of 2,400 feet being monitored. The wide coverage makes LVT Units even more effective for protecting large areas because it increases the range and effectiveness of the units and reduces the amount of hardware that is needed.

This solution is ideal for monitoring wide open spaces like parking lots, airports, military bases, fence lines, and perimeters. For example, some areas around critical infrastructure or bases are so big that it isn’t economical to install a fence. However, those areas still need to be protected from trespassers, thieves, and vandals. Our long-range thermals plus radar are perfect for creating a perimeter and will alert end users of intruders.

Satellite Internet Connectivity

We’re also adding satellite connectivity to our units to make them more mobile and reliable in remote use cases.

“Our new satellite coverage capabilities ensure customers can access real-time security insights even when cellular network connectivity is inaccessible or hindered by an influx of connected devices,” said Steve Lindsey, LVT CTO. “LVT has achieved industry-leading uptime with our mobile security solutions, and we are pioneers in bringing satellite connectivity at scale to the mobile security unit space for more than a decade.”

This update makes LVT Units even more mobile. They’ll be able to go almost anywhere without being limited by cellular connectivity, which is extremely important for remote critical infrastructure locations, oil and gas drilling sites, military bases and government land, and more.

But it can also help as a backup when cellular networks lag. For example, when there are large groups of people at and event, at large stadiums, and more. “Satellite communication will enable more companies and businesses to use our mobile security solutions 24/7, regardless of cellular network performance,” continued Lindsey. “LVT’s AI-powered and intuitive security solutions will now bring greater control and safety to virtually anywhere on the planet.“

If you would like to learn more about satellite connectivity and when it will be available in your area, book an appointment here

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