A New “Breed” of Security: San Francisco's Mayor Breed Deploys LVT's Mobile Security Units to Combat Crime

San Francisco is enhancing public safety by deploying new mobile security camera trailers to target high-crime areas and support ongoing law enforcement efforts.

Last Updated:
September 19, 2024
| ~
min Read
Steph Jackman
Marketing Writer

In an effort to reduce crime and enhance public safety, San Francisco is rolling out cutting-edge mobile security units across high-crime areas, thanks to a partnership between the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) and LiveView Technologies (LVT). This initiative—part of a broader strategy to modernize the city’s law enforcement capabilities—underscores the city's commitment to embracing advanced technology for crime prevention.

Mayor London Breed recently announced the launch of this pilot program which put mobile camera trailers in key locations across San Francisco. These units are designed to provide round-the-clock surveillance, helping officers deter criminal activity, and assist in making arrests. 

Keeping “The Golden City” Golden: Transforming Law Enforcement in San Francisco

The new mobile security units (which include cameras with thermal and panoramic lenses, floodlights, and speakers) will be strategically deployed in high-crime areas like the Tenderloin, South of Market, and the Mission District. These regions have long struggled with issues such as drug dealing, prostitution, and burglaries—making them ideal candidates for enhanced monitoring. With a 22-foot mast equipped with three cameras, the units offer unparalleled visibility and flexibility, especially in areas where fixed security systems are either insufficient or impractical.

Police Chief Bill Scott emphasized the game-changing nature of these units noting, "Our officers are already eagerly embracing other technologies like automatic license plate readers (ALPRs) and drones to make significant arrests. I can’t wait to see what they will do with assistance from these security units." This enthusiasm is echoed across law enforcement agencies nationwide, as departments continue to grapple with staffing shortages and ever-evolving criminal stratagems.

The Role of Prop E in Expanding Public Safety Technology

The deployment of LVT’s mobile security units follows the passage of Proposition E, which has been instrumental in expanding the use of new technologies for public safety in San Francisco. Prop E, passed in March 2024, allows for the introduction of tools like ALPRs and drones.

Mayor Breed emphasized the importance of modernizing law enforcement efforts stating, “This technology not only helps our existing officers be more efficient today, but it means as our ranks grow we will see even more impact." With Prop E paving the way, the integration of LVT's mobile security units further strengthens San Francisco’s crime-fighting arsenal.

These units complement existing technology (such as ALPR cameras that monitor intersections and drones that assist in real-time tracking of criminal activities) and have already led to significant arrests related to auto break-ins, robberies, and carjackings, among other crimes.

More than Just Cameras: Partnering with LVT for Safer Communities

LVT’s security units offer several advantages over traditional surveillance methods and have already proven successful in reducing crime at locations like shopping mall parking lots, construction sites, and work zones

The units—designed for rapid deployment—allow law enforcement to quickly cover areas of concern without the need for extensive installation processes. Solar-powered and cordless, these units are easily adapted to various environments from urban to suburban to rural.

"By integrating [these mobile units] with our current surveillance tools, we’re reinforcing our deputies and officers in the streets," said Sheriff Paul Miyamoto. LVT provides continuous coverage, not only enhancing officers' presence and operational efficiency, but also capturing activity that may otherwise go unnoticed.

District Attorney Brooke Jenkins noted, "These new cameras send one more message to those who would come to San Francisco to engage in crime—you will be identified, arrested, and prosecuted." 

Leveraging Technology to Build Safer Communities

With law enforcement agencies around the nation struggling with staffing shortages, tools like mobile security units have become essential in maintaining public safety. These units not only help deter crime but also provide valuable evidence that can aid in investigations and prosecutions. From capturing video footage to enabling rapid response to incidents, the units are versatile tools that enhance both officer efficiency and community safety.

The deployment of LVT’s mobile security units represents the future of law enforcement. By embracing this technology, the SFPD is not only addressing current crime rates, but also laying groundwork for a safer, more secure city. 

Join the Movement for Safer Streets

San Francisco's partnership with LVT is just the beginning of a broader movement to embrace modern technology in the fight against crime. The future of security lies in innovation, and with these mobile units, the City by the Bay is leading the way.

Learn how mobile security units protect your community by contacting LVT for a free demo today.

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