Critical Infrastructure Security: How Access Control Systems and Real-Time Monitoring Combat Malicious Actors

Critical infrastructure security relies on access control systems and real-time monitoring to protect essential assets from malicious actors and ensure continuous operation.

Last Updated:
October 22, 2024
| ~
min Read
Hailee Gardner
Marketing Writer

The roads, pipelines, and utilities created by the critical infrastructure industry may seem trivial, but your business’s resources—and therefore its revenue—depend on the security of this sector. It’s safest to take a unified approach to security, and you can start with two critical pieces to the puzzle: access control and real-time monitoring.

What Is Critical Infrastructure? 

Critical infrastructure refers to the roads, railways, buildings, utility lines, and other pieces of infrastructure that power our society. Transportation, trade, and the utilities in our homes and businesses all rely on critical infrastructure to survive and thrive. 

These assets are sometimes found in government control and sometimes belong to the private sector. These essential resources are often the subject of both intentional and unintentional damages, so it’s vital to utilize a comprehensive, integrated security regimen to combat accidents, vandalism, theft, arson, and other threats. 

Why Secure Critical Infrastructure? 

Critical infrastructure is just that: critical. The precious utilities and resources housed within are essential for the stability and security of our communities and nations. 

Often targeted by criminals seeking to disrupt economic and government interests, looking to cause terror and disorder, or motivated by other reasons, critical infrastructure should be safeguarded to the highest degree possible. If left unsecured, compromised critical infrastructure can cause catastrophic security breaches including, but not limited to, excessive financial losses and utility blackouts.

From What Should I Protect My Critical Infrastructure?

Depending on the resources housed in your critical infrastructure, you may be vulnerable to certain threats. Natural disasters, while non-malicious, can cause severe damage to critical infrastructure. Sabotage is another concern, which can be digital or physical, and conducted by an outside threat or a compromised individual inside company operations. The security of your critical infrastructure against these diverse threats should be paramount. 

Access Control Technology

Some threats are digital, but a great many dangers can be mitigated by monitoring the individuals that enter and exit your property and its different areas. An essential facet of critical infrastructure security is access control. Today’s innovative access control systems manage who can enter certain areas, protecting sensitive information and systems from potential offenders. 

An effective access control system uses authentication and authorization technology—usually powered by a keycard system or biometric recognition—to monitor and control who enters and exits different areas of the facility. Many systems will send real-time alerts to keep management informed about any entrances and exits, and may also trigger automated responses, such as lockdowns or alarms when perimeters are breached or sensitive areas are accessed by unauthorized individuals. 

Access control systems can do much more than prevent theft of and damage to assets and data. In addition to protecting these assets from unauthorized access, access control can also help ensure that regulations are followed and company policies are complied with, increasing the safety and efficiency of your workplace. 

The specifications you seek in an access control system will depend on the specifics of your business. Identify especially sensitive areas, and set parameters for which entrances, exits, systems, and assets may be accessed by whom. Seek an access control system that allows you to monitor your business in a way that works for you, and with authentication technology that’s accessible and easy to maintain as your staff grows and evolves.

Real-Time Monitoring

When monitoring the valuable resources stored in and transported via critical infrastructure, you don’t want to miss a thing. It’s essential to invest in a camera system with continuous up-time and real-time alerts, so that no potential threat goes unnoticed. Reliable cameras keep those in charge apprised of threats on an immediate basis, so responses can be swift and effective. 

Camera systems offered by LiveView Technologies (LVT) feature the latest in continuous monitoring, so that all activities are captured and recorded for any future need. Additionally, customers rave about these cameras’ alert systems, noting that they never miss a potential problem and can receive notifications from anywhere. You’ll never regret the peace of mind that comes from being constantly in the loop regarding your business’s security. 

Enlisting Personnel to Maintain Compliance

Once you’ve implemented cutting-edge access control and continuous monitoring, it’s essential that you loop in the individuals who will be using and relying on these systems: your employees.

Train your personnel and stakeholders on your new security systems, as well as on the best practices and protocols they’ll need to follow. When trained effectively, your personnel can be your best assets in safeguarding your company’s critical infrastructure. These individuals can provide an added layer of protection to your facilities when they’re well-apprised of threats and prepared to respond to emergencies. 

As an owner of critical infrastructure, your company is likely held to certain government regulations and industry standards. In addition, you should also have in place certain compliance policies for your own company personnel. Access control and monitoring systems play a key role in upholding these many regulations; they allow you to keep your finger on the pulse of the day-to-day activities on your property, and conduct necessary investigations into malfeasance. 

Integrate & Protect With LVT

Your organization’s critical infrastructure will be safest when you integrate several security measures, including access control systems and reliable cameras with real-time monitoring and alerts. LiveView Technologies is your source for top-of-the-line critical infrastructure security; companies in diverse industries rely on LVT for the most robust security coverage on the market. 

LVT offers critical infrastructure monitoring systems complete with a variety of powerful features. AI-powered video analysis differentiates and identifies threats in a more intelligent way. Portable continuous up-time cameras offer you a live feed of every angle of your property, and the recorded footage can be reviewed and utilized later by accessing LVT’s robust cloud storage. Talk-down communication through loudspeakers and real-time alerts allow you to monitor and deter threats from anywhere, custom surveillance zones offer a greater level of personalized safety, and thermal signature detection protects your property from utility leaks and other threats. Most importantly, LVT systems can seamlessly integrate with your access control and alarm systems for maximum coverage.

LiveView Technologies is ready to transform the security of your critical infrastructure sites. Join legions of clients delighted by LVT’s robust library of technologically advanced security features, and protect the resources that are most important. Learn more here or schedule a demo today.

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