Everything You Need to Know About LPR and Security Systems

This blog explores how advancements in license plate recognition (LPR) technology are enhancing security surveillance systems by providing quick and accurate identification of vehicles, aiding in crime prevention, investigations, parking management, and logistics operations.

Last Updated:
June 21, 2024
| ~
min Read
James Wang
Marketing Writer

We’ve all been riveted by Hollywood blockbusters like the Terminator, Minority Report, or any number of Transformers movies that depict a world where advanced machines or robots take on a life of their own. The storylines often arc into chaotic and threatening ways where technology and machinery invariably hold the future of mankind in the palm of their mechanical hands. 

While those gripping storylines play to our fears, the majority of Americans view technology as more friend than foe and consider it a net positive on their lives. And for a country that values productivity and maximizing efficiency, technology has been a welcome assistant in making our lives easier by doing things quicker and often better. With improved speed and efficiency comes increased convenience and productivity. Just think about the collective time saved from little things like pre-ordering our morning coffee on an app, no longer needing to physically stop to pay for a toll on the highway, or being able to conduct meetings online from anywhere in the world.

When it comes to security surveillance systems, speed is even more crucial when it comes to identifying trouble. That’s why surveillance systems are now employing license plate recognition technology (LPR) to help combat crime. Combining the watchful eyes of live video surveillance with added LPR capabilities enables security systems to quickly pinpoint vehicles that are deemed suspicious or have a history of being involved in questionable activity. It's an added layer of protection to sharpen an already powerful tool.



When it comes to license plate recognition, it all starts with the quality of the camera. The ability to detect license plates clearly as well as the ability to decipher the color and type of vehicle is critical. It requires a high-resolution camera that can provide high quality images even in the most challenging conditions. LPR cameras utilize advanced infrared illuminators to compensate for low light situations. In addition to being able to capture images in dark or poorly lit areas, LPR cameras can capture images from vehicles moving at high rates of speed. Depending on the camera, they can capture images of vehicles traveling in excess of 150 miles per hour and from distances as far as about 100 feet away.


For anyone who has ever ordered an Uber and tried finding your driver’s license plate among a sea of vehicles, you know the limitations of the human eye when it comes to identifying license plates. This is where LPR shines. Once the surveillance camera gathers the image, computer software analyzes it and starts to decipher it. It matches the shapes on the plates with characters and numbers in its database until it gets an accurate match between the two. This happens instantaneously and LPR manufacturers say that the read rate is over 90% accurate with the ability to read thousands of plates per minute. 


Once the plate is read by the software, it is ready for application by the business’ security teams or law enforcement. The license plate number can then be checked with or cross referenced with local or national databases. A match in the system can flag local security teams to either monitor the vehicle, take further action, or enlist law enforcement for additional support.



LPR is a valuable tool when it comes to protecting businesses, retail parking lots, campuses, critical infrastructure, or any number of other high-security locations where safety and security is a priority. Implementing LPR allows for organizations to quickly identify and alert security staff of the presence of high interest vehicles on their premises.

This can be in conjunction with law enforcement activities such as suspects in vehicles being chased, stolen vehicles, known criminals, AMBER alerts, or police BOLO (be on the lookout) alerts. 

Or it can focus on the security of parking lots where vehicles that were previously known to be involved with crimes like theft, robbery, organized retail crime, stolen catalytic converters, or even various forms of destruction or terrorism can be flagged. It can even be as simple as raising an alert on a suspicious looking vehicle and tracking its whereabouts within a parking lot for further investigation. This can be a powerful proactive tool to help mobilize personnel in the most effective way based on the information LPR provides.


LPR also serves as a technological bloodhound when it comes to sifting through hours and hours of footage for evidence. By utilizing LPR, it can quickly sort through video archives to locate specific vehicles, incidents, or specific times frames to either assist in investigations or provide video evidence. Where in the past, going through weeks of surveillance footage to isolate an incident would be searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack, LPR can pinpoint exact vehicles and incidents quickly, saving both time and manpower.


LPR technology can be a huge asset when it comes to controlling and securing access to parking lots and structures of businesses, residences, and other high-security locations. The ability to verify and allow access to authorized tenants and track all vehicles entering and leaving the premises can add a sophisticated layer of security. 

For structures that require payment to park, LPR can be a valuable tool to ensure that revenue is collected or to capture the information of detractors so that they can be contacted or prevented from using the facilities again. While innovation can be a boon for generating profits, it can be an equally important asset when it comes to protecting profits as well.    


Businesses can leverage LPR technology to help keep track of their fleet and shipping operations. With LPR, delivery trucks and shipping vehicles can be accounted for when they arrive and depart a warehouse. This can help with operational efficiencies when it comes to estimating delivery times, inventory, and other logistics.

For many organizations looking to safeguard their operations, business, and personnel, enterprise surveillance cameras often are one of the first measures to implement. Security camera monitoring has become increasingly sophisticated, scalable, and mobile and continues to get more advanced. With emerging technologies like LPR, businesses are seeking to supersize their security measures in ways where they can leverage cutting-edge technology with surveillance cameras to be more proactive in their overall security strategy. Not only can it potentially improve the ability to monitor, protect, and deter crime from happening on your property but it can combat crime in a more interconnected way. Surrounding businesses and law enforcement agencies can now tap into and exchange information creating partnerships that combat crime in a more comprehensive way while fortifying your own overall security plan.

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