Why We Reconfigure Your Cameras: Ensuring Optimal Performance and Security

Learn why LVT handles camera reconfiguration for you, the security measures in place, and the collaborative process to ensure your cameras provide the best protection for your property.

Last Updated:
June 14, 2024
| ~
min Read
Noelle Baldwin
Marketing Content Manager
LiveView Technologies

We’re asked every day if you can reconfigure your cameras. The short answer is no, but before you pepper us with “Why not?” or “I thought your solution was flexible,” let me explain. You as a customer cannot reconfigure your cameras. But we can. Not only does this help ensure that your Live Unit is functioning at its best, but it is actually a security measure. We value your privacy and follow data privacy best practices. We go above and beyond to make sure your data is secure. Allowing access to configure the cameras would mean giving access to the camera’s interface. And to avoid data breaches or upsetting settings and systems, we reconfigure them for you.

Now, we don’t do it willy nilly. We have a form for you to fill out to request a reconfiguration. We will then work with you to reconfigure the cameras.

Here is our process and the things we keep in mind when reconfiguring your cameras:

We work with you

We work with you to customize the view and detection zone of your cameras. You know your property, and we collaborate with you to make sure the cameras see what is important.

Maximize your camera angles

We want to minimize white space and to have the angle just right so the camera is looking at what’s important rather than the dead space.

Avoid redundant camera angles

D3 Live Unit is equipped with three cameras so it’s important to not overlap their views. This maximizes the capability of the unit.

Avoid busy areas

When we draw detection zones, we make sure to not include busy roads, sidewalks, or other populated areas in the zone. Other things we try to avoid in the detection zone are trees and bushes. We want to prevent excessive alerts and don’t want you to get annoyed that your unit goes off every time the wind blows.

The goal is to detect before the crime

Our customers want to detect bad actors when they are already bad acting. But if a detection zone is set up properly, you will be alerted before the bad actor can get to what you’re protecting. That way you know the second someone is trespassing and can take preventative measures instead of just watching a crime happen.

The size of the detection zone varies

The distance of detection is based on which cameras are on your Live Unit. We categorize the cameras into near range, mid-range, and long-range detection capabilities. When ordering a D3 Live Unit we will work with you to make sure your cameras can detect when and where they need to in order to protect your property.

Who sets the configuration zone

The configuration team uses specialized software to draw the zone after consulting with you.

The order of configuration

We don’t have a set order of configuration on D3 Live Units. We are working to standardize the process. Some people prefer to set the left camera first before moving to the middle and right ones, but currently it doesn’t matter. What does matter is the final product—are the cameras looking at what needs to be protected and are they overlapping at all?

Want to learn more about LVT’s solar powered cameras? Sign up for a free demo. If you’re already a customer, reach out to your LVT representative.

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