The Top Five Features To Look For In A Mobile Business Security System

Selecting the right mobile business security system requires careful consideration of its features and capabilities. With the rapid advancements in technology, security systems have become more sophisticated, offering a wide range of functionalities.

Last Updated:
July 30, 2024
| ~
min Read
James Wang
Marketing Writer

For many businesses, threats to profitability, safety, and security often come in a myriad of unexpected and unanticipated ways. Criminal threats have become more sophisticated and brazen, making it increasingly challenging for businesses to effectively protect themselves. 

According to the University of North Carolina—Charlotte’s Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, approximately $800 million are lost to burglaries every year—and that’s just in the retail sector alone.

When it comes to security and protecting everything from your infrastructure to your employees to your inventory and beyond, a mobile business security system can potentially be the answer.  However, with so many rapidly evolving technological advances and features, it’s hard to wade through the sea of options.  

Most people who turn to mobile security systems want something that is as agile as their business is. Something that is easy to set up and able to up and running quickly and with minimum fuss. But beyond those basic requirements, it’s easy to feel a bit lost. To help you make an informed decision we’ve outlined the top five features you should consider when choosing your mobile security system.



When it comes to protecting assets, monitoring threats, and identifying perpetrators, your system is only as good as the image your cameras provide. In general, the better the resolution, the better the image. Video that has a higher (or faster) frame rates can capture better details when objects are moving quickly. It ensures a buttery smooth video experience as opposed to the choppy hiccups that can affect your ability to monitor and identify what’s happening. This can be extremely helpful when identifying license plates of vehicles in motion or individuals who are running. In addition to your traditional cameras, there are several more sophisticated cameras available that offer some more advanced capabilities.

  • Night vision—night vision cameras have sensors built in that rely on infrared light technology so that you can monitor and record video in low light conditions. However, be aware that night vision cameras can only amplify existing light to enhance an image and will not work in complete darkness.
  • Thermal imaging cameras—these infrared cameras pick up heat signatures from people and objects and converts it into an electronic image. This can be extremely helpful in areas that are covered or camouflaged.

Another consideration is whether your video monitoring needs are sufficient with stationary cameras that are fixed in position, or does your surveillance require cameras that can move, pan, tilt, and zoom?


One of the advantages of a mobile security system is that it offers surveillance 24/7. However, the ability to access the video is just as important as capturing it. The draw of mobile security systems is the ability to be able to monitor and play back various video feeds from any camera from anywhere in the world whether it be from your desktop, tablet, or smartphone device. Many mobile security solutions offer both real-time monitoring and an ability to recall and play back recorded video at your convenience. In addition, keep in mind that most video will be preserved for a set amount of time before it gets deleted or recorded over.


When it comes to transmitting your surveillance video and data, you want to make sure the method is secure and reliable. The two most popular ways is to transmit data is either through Wi-Fi or through cellular towers. Most experts suggest that cellular transmission can be safer even though there are encrypted Wi-Fi networks. Part of that preference of a cellular delivery system over Wi-Fi is that if the Wi-Fi network goes down, so does the ability to transfer data.


In addition to gathering and transmitting video and other information, the third part of the equation is to keep it secure and within your organization. End to end encryption ensures that any information transferred is encoded and safe.

When it comes to storage of that data, it can either be housed in local physical drives or automatically uploaded into the cloud. With local drives, you can run the added risk of physical damage, tampering, or even theft.  

Other things to consider is if the mobile system you are considering offers automatic firmware updates or alerts regarding any types of security breaches or potential storage failures.


As we all know, businesses grow, and their needs can change accordingly. It’s important to invest in a mobile security system that can scale and adapt to the evolving needs of your business. You want to find a mobile security solution that is flexible, customizable, and can integrate with other systems or applications if you require to expand its capacity, reach, and capabilities. Otherwise, you might find yourself stuck with a system that has become obsolete and unusable for your business’ expanding demands. 

Keep in mind, each business has their own unique needs, challenges, and threats. Security experts suggest creating a threat assessment and using a critical and honest eye on where your security deficiencies might lie as a starting point to implementing a mobile security solution that is right for you.

The good news is that with so many choices available and at various price points there is no reason to have to leave yourself or your business vulnerable or exposed. 

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