Views We're Providing in School Parking Lots

LVT’s mobile security cameras enhance campus security with flexible, solar-powered surveillance.

Last Updated:
September 9, 2024
| ~
min Read
Kailey Boucher
Marketing Writer

Any current or former college student knows how intimidating a sprawling college campus can be. Finding the right building can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack—especially during the first few weeks when every structure looks the same and the (outdated) campus map seems to have been designed to confuse you. Walking from your parking spot or dorm to class can feel like a trek across a small town. 

Now, imagine you’re not just a student or visitor but a security professional in charge of safeguarding the entire campus. With countless buildings, parking lots, and people moving in every direction, securing a campus is no small task. One day you might be dealing with tailgating shenanigans, the next with a chaotic construction zone, and let's not forget about those parking lots on the edge of campus that most people don’t even know exist. 

Keeping eyes on every corner of a miles-wide campus 24/7 is not feasible for one person—or even a small team of people. In this article, we’ll explain how LVT helps ensure safe and secure schools with PTZ cameras that offer flexible, wide-range coverage, and explore the benefits of cellular and solar-powered school security cameras.

Why Traditional School Surveillance Cameras Fall Short

Campuses are notoriously difficult to secure for a few reasons. First, the size and spread of most campuses make comprehensive surveillance a logistical nightmare. Traditional fixed school security cameras get the job done by offering a constant watch over important spots, but their effectiveness is limited by their fixed positions. In other words, they inevitably leave blind spots where suspicious or unwanted activity can go undetected. 

Infrastructure challenges further complicate campus security. Running power and data lines to every corner of a campus can be costly and impractical—sometimes even impossible in remote or hard-to-reach areas or due to existing infrastructure.

On top of all that, there’s the dynamic nature of campuses. On any given day, there could be seasonal events, construction projects, fluctuating student populations, or all of the above. And as the campus environment changes, so too do the security needs.

How Mobile Security Units with PTZ Cameras Expand Your View 

Pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras mounted on mobile security units offer flexibility that fixed cameras simply can't match. Think of them as your secret weapon—a flexible solution perfect for monitoring bustling, ever-changing campuses. This is because PTZ cameras are adjustable. They can pan, tilt, and zoom as needed, providing you with comprehensive coverage of large areas, and the mobile units can be easily repositioned wherever and whenever you need them. 

Let's explore some unique views and use cases mobile units with PTZ cameras can provide on campuses. 

Tailgating and Event Management 

On big game days, LVT’s mobile units can be placed around tailgating areas and stadium entrances. This allows security teams to monitor crowd behavior, identify potential safety hazards, and even track down unexpected issues. In one instance, a university quickly located an individual flying a drone over the football stadium during a nationally televised game thanks to the precise control of their mobile PTZ cameras.

Remote Parking Areas 

Many campuses have parking lots that are far removed from the main grounds. These areas, while sometimes forgotten by students and staff, are often prime targets for vehicle break-ins and thefts. Mobile security units can be deployed to these remote locations, providing a visible deterrent and allowing security teams to monitor activity without the need for permanent infrastructure.

Unique Campus Spaces 

From junkyards used for vocational training to duck ponds where students can relax and enjoy some fresh air, every campus has its own unique features and spaces. In some cases, campuses may even need to monitor areas around homeless encampments or other sensitive locations. Mobile units can be positioned to keep an eye on these spaces—discretely—ensuring that students, staff, and visitors can enjoy them safely while also protecting against potential misuse or vandalism.

The Power of Cellular and Solar

What really sets LVT’s mobile units apart is their ability to operate independently of traditional power and data infrastructure. They connect wirelessly to the cloud via a cellular connection, which is more reliable and cost-efficient than Wi-Fi. Solar panels keep the units operational around the clock, eliminating the need for external power sources. This not only further reduces operational costs but also allows for long-term deployment in areas without access to the power grid. It's a flexible, sustainable solution that helps both security teams and the planet. 

More Than Just Eyes

LVT’s mobile units are more than just school security cameras that offer visual surveillance. They can be equipped with flashing lights that illuminate spaces and deter would-be wrongdoers. They can also feature audio systems that allow security personnel to communicate directly with individuals in the monitored area. This can be useful for providing instructions during events (a game changer for crowd control), issuing warnings, or providing general information in high-traffic areas.

The Future of Campus Security

Your campus is unique and so are your security needs. You need a solution that can scale, adapt, and ensure you have coverage everywhere you need it. Our mobile units with PTZ cameras can help create safe and secure schools and provide peace of mind for students, parents, staff, and visitors. 

To learn more about our school security cameras and how they can improve campus security and surveillance, check out our campus security webinar.

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