Why Surveillance Is Worth the Investment

Surveillance can seem stagnant and, at times, redundant. Here's why it is still worth the investment.

Last Updated:
February 1, 2024
| ~
min Read
Brian McFadyen
Mid-Market Account Executive in Mid-Market Sales
LiveView Technologies

It’s interesting. As I drive down my street I can see many different forms of home security on and around many of the homes in my neighborhood, including mine! From doorbell cameras to floodlight cameras and from perimeter sensors to window sensors, it seems security has become more and more a part of our personal lives.

But, what about businesses? What about retail stores, construction sites, event centers (and the list can go on and on)? How important is it for public and private organizations to invest in tools to surveil their day to day operations and monitor off hours activity?

Here are a few reasons surveillance is worth the investment:


Protect yourself from fraudulent claims. Organizations face higher and higher risk of fraudulent claims from customers and employees. Surveillance provides a means to combat these false claims.

Protect employees and customers. When I was twelve years old, my parents had gone grocery shopping and took my baby brother with them. Mom and dad were standing in front of a shelf debating something they were going to purchase. When they turned around they saw a man down at the other end of the aisle they were on, pushing their cart with my baby brother. He was walking really fast and headed for the doors. Mom screamed and Dad chased. Patrons and employees converged on the guy just as he was reaching the exit and he abandoned the cart (and my brother) and ran for it. We don’t know if the guy was ever caught. For all we know, he may have gone to another store and succeeded in his attempt to abduct a child. Surveillance footage would allow authorities to easily identify and track down this kind of offender.

Surveillance, especially if overt and obvious, provides a company with an improved brand and image. You are seen as a safe and pleasant place to shop, or work, or recreate.

Keep employees productive and safe

Most people are more productive when monitored. Human behavior changes when we know we are being monitored. There is less inclination to cut corners and greater propensity to a task properly executed. It would be amazing if everyone in the world just innately acted this way. Sadly, that is not the case. Surveillance and monitoring helps keep good people honest.

Most people need reminders to follow safety precautions. I can’t tell you how many times I've been to a construction site and seen workers without proper safety equipment—not wearing hard hats, not tying in on rooftops. I’ve been in large distribution facilities where it was required of every employee to wear safety vests for visibility, yet most were not. These requirements, while seemingly insignificant, can cost and hurt an employee, and the company, a great deal. Surveillance cameras have allowed my clients to see where violations occur and correct them to ensure safety and compliance. This has helped them avoid thousands of dollars (and more) in fines, lost productivity, and lawsuits.

Reduce Shrinkage

Surveillance can keep your company from losing product, tools, and materials to theft, vandalism, and more. Surveillance allows you to deter, and if necessary catch thieves, whether they are your own employees or a third-party. It allows you to determine how property is being damaged and fix the problem. Surveillance helped one construction company determine that the materials being taken from their site were actually being grabbed by multiple sources. Some were random thieves. Others were workers from a nearby construction site.

Surveillance may not stop every incident, but it gives the tools to catch and prosecute where necessary. It allows us to see problem areas and adjust. Used properly, surveillance can enhance our brand and image as an organization, making people feel safe and secure while in and around your facilities.

Ultimately, surveillance is worth the investment. Whatever form it may be!

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