San Francisco: Doubling Down on Fight Against Crime

San Francisco's new mobile security cameras from LVT have drawn major media attention for their role in deterring crime and enhancing public safety.

Last Updated:
October 4, 2024
| ~
min Read
Noelle Baldwin
Marketing Content Manager
LiveView Technologies

San Francisco is fighting back. Their mayor and police department recently announced a new initiative to fight against crime by deploying LVT mobile security units. Even though crime has been dropping in San Francisco throughout 2024, the city is doubling down on its efforts to reduce things like drug deals, burglaries, and prostitution to make the city safer for its residents.

See what the media is saying about this partnership:

NBC Bay Area and KTVU Fox quickly highlighted the partnership and introduced the concept of the mobile security units. They discussed how AI aims to deter crime from happening, and when necessary, help solve crimes that do occur. They also delved into how these security trailers are among the cutting edge of law enforcement technology.

ABC7 mentioned San Francisco's recent success rate. They currently have the lowest crime rate the city has seen in 10 years. ABC7 tied LVT’s mobile security units to the SFPD’s broader crime-fighting efforts. “We've seen in July and June, a seventy percent decline in car break-ins. Open-air drug dealing, side shows, you name it,” said Mayor London N. Breed. “This new technology can also make those things a lot better. San Francisco is seeing a record low in terms of crime, the lowest crime rate in 10 years.”

KRON Bay Area, Yahoo News, and KPIX (CBS) shared how the police department is placing the LVT camera systems in high-priority crime hotspots. They discussed how technological advancements are helping law enforcement reduce crime more effectively.

KQED, San Francisco Chronicle,, the San Francisco Sun, and Government Technology emphasized how the LVT Units are the latest addition in the city’s ongoing investment in police technology that has grown during Mayor Breed’s administration. SFGate, on the other hand, discussed the deterrence factor that LVT Units bring and how they can help prevent crime.

Other media outlets emphasized the impact of the mobile surveillance units, especially how their deployment may affect both local and regional crime and policing. Local News Matters focused their coverage on how the AI security units will impact the crime hotspots.

Specialized outlets like the Loss Prevention Magazine and Government Technology also discussed the technology that powers the LVT Units. More agencies, governments, and businesses are relying on artificial intelligence to support their crime-fighting efforts.

Lastly, Telemundo Bay Area and Hecho en California covered the story in Spanish, underscoring the importance of this crime-fighting initiative for the entire community.

Ready to learn more?

From mainstream media to tech-specific coverage, San Francisco's message is clear. They will fight against crime to protect their city and their citizens, using technology as a tool to reduce everything from burglaries to drug deals.

If you would like to learn more about LVT Units and how they can help your city, community, or business, reach out for a free demo.

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